All the Under-$100 Items in My Cart RN

As you guys probably know already, I spend a good portion of my day literally online shopping. Well, it’s technically “research” for all the stories I’m writing, but the outcome is the same—dozens of items on my wish list at any given moment. Bags, boots, dresses, coats: you name it, I want it. Sadly, however, I can’t possibly purchase everything I’m eyeing, so from time to time I feel like I might as well share what’s in my cart (and heart) so that at least someone can benefit from the fruits of my labor.

As you probably guessed, that’s precisely what I’m here to do today, but with a special, affordable spin. After all, if you can look like you spent a fortune without passing $100 on a single item, why wouldn’t you? To see what I’m loving for the rest of winter and well into spring, just keep scrolling.

White faux fur just has such a luxe look.

And, obviously, you need the matching top.

These $72 jeans look too good to be true.


I love a little black dress.

Great reviews on Nordstrom and a great color.

Chic oversize trousers are hard to come by—especially at this price point.

I’m very into wide-templed sunglasses these days.

How to make even your oldest pair of sunglasses feel suddenly trendy.

I’ve seen this in person, and it actually looks five times its price.

I’m highly considering ordering this to add to my current chain collection.

Vests are back in a big way.

I love this atypical shape.

Statement sleeves that still feel relatively tame.

This belt will make any outfit instantly cool.

Am I the only one who is constantly replenishing her basics?

This is making me consider a second piercing.


Spring is coming, and your sock drawer should be prepared.

The shacket trend is still going strong.

Oversize collars are everywhere right now, and this take is delightful.

The unexpected hair accessory that’s having a major moment.

Tube tops are about to trend hard for spring, so might as well get on board now.

This is cheating because I actually own these pants, but I needed everyone to know how great they are (and to buy them).

Everyone looks good in this neckline.

I love when brands do the work of mixing metals for you.

Two trends are better than one.

Why this should actually be in everyone’s cart.

Imagine this worn tight as a choker and with the toggle in the back.

An essential.

This can be worn as both a coat and a dress, making it even more worth the price.

I know, I know—you need the matching top.

Everything about this cardigan is perfect.

Slightly oversize is key—and don’t worry, it’s $99.99.

Next: These are the best spring 2020 trends, period.

Young Tribune
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