Your Horoscope This Week

We’re able to unearth our true feelings on Sunday when charming Venus sextiles transformative Pluto. This powerful transit will encourage us to deepen our bonds with both friends and lovers. If you have something on your mind, express it to loved ones as these planets complement each other. The idea of commitment reaches our minds on Monday when affectionate Venus sextiles strict Saturn. If you’re single, this transit could inspire you to reconsider what you’re looking for in a potential partner. Use this energy to create high standards for yourself. In a relationship? You’re ready to discuss shared goals that support your commitment to each other. We’re prepared to open our minds to others starting Monday as messenger Mercury enters sensitive Pisces. Now is the time to lean into your intuition and let your imagination run wild. Be careful with your feelings as we enter this new transit. Look alive on Wednesday when chatty Mercury sextiles change-making Uranus. We’ve got the opportunity to evaluate our challenges from new angles and meet new people who wouldn’t otherwise cross our paths. It’s time to go after your desires on Friday when flirty Venus makes her way into ambitious Aries. This is an exciting time for singles as you’re blessed with new confidence. Use this powerful energy to build up the courage to begin chatting up your crush. If you’re in a relationship, take the time to pursue your partner, and reinvigorate your connection.

March 21 to April 19

You know how to handle important decisions, Aries. Trust your gut as you change your lifestyle starting Sunday when wellness-minded Mercury makes his way into intuitive Pisces. Learn to balance your personal and professional responsibilities on Sunday when love and money-ruling Venus sextiles career-focused Saturn. Rely on your flexibility on Wednesday when health-conscious Mercury sextiles change-loving Uranus. You’re ready to go after your goals on Friday when material Venus enters ambitious Aries. Create a timeline that you can be accountable to as you navigate this powerful transit. 

April 20 to May 20

Are you making enough time for those you love, Taurus? You’re able to readjust your schedule for the things that truly matter on Sunday when routine-ruling Venus sextiles romantic Pluto. You’re able to view your finances with a more holistic perspective on Monday as money-minded Mercury enters intuitive Pisces. It’s easier for you to be conscious of what you consume during this movement. Engage your mind on Monday as wellness-minded Venus sextiles intellectual Saturn. Research a class or dive into a new book to help achieve a greater understanding of your blessings. You’ve got an opportunity to make some stellar career changes on Wednesday when material Mercury sextiles status-ruling Uranus. 

May 21 to June 20

Does your schedule need a little spicing up, Gemini? Have fun this week by adding a little luxury into your routine Sunday when material Venus sextiles health-conscious Pluto. Making small changes can help to improve your outlook and inspire you to succeed. Quick-witted Mercury enters imaginative Pisces on Monday, helping you to get in touch with your inner artist. Use this transit to take note of the little things, and bring forth a new appreciation for your gifts. Prepare yourself to anticipate the unexpected on Wednesday when thought-ruling Mercury sextiles unpredictable Uranus. Pay attention to your dreams, and quiet your mind so that you become more aware of your surroundings. 

June 21 to July 22

Celebrate your space, Cancer. You’re able to bring joy to your home on Sunday when domestic Venus sextiles fun-loving Pluto. Invite friends over to kick back before a new week begins and lift each other up — try out a new game and show off your well-honed hosting skills. Spiritual Mercury makes his way into sensitive Pisces on Monday, encouraging you to listen to your inner self. Take your time with your feelings during this intuitive transit. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll want to cozy up to your partner on Monday when domestic Venus sextiles romantic Saturn. Single crabs should use this organized transit to make space in their home for guests, and pay special attention to their bedrooms. This is a brilliant day to get to know new people on a more intimate level. 

July 23 to August 22

Are you trying to figure out which path you should take, Leo? Look to loved ones for help when making career decisions on Sunday as status-conscious Venus sextiles domestic Pluto. Learn to trust your gut when it comes to financial matters on Monday as money-minded Mercury speeds into intuitive Pisces. It’s in your best interest to hold off on splurging on unnecessary expenses — save that cash for something unique. Start a new healthy habit on Monday when career-minded Venus sextiles with routine-ruling Saturn. This transit will help you to manage your time, so make a list of everything that you’d like to accomplish, and readjust your schedule. If you’ve been looking to move ahead at work, you’ll be invigorated starting Friday when Venus enters fiery Aries. Make sure you’ve got a plan to act on before you start your engines.

August 23 to September 22

Need a moment to catch your breath, Virgo? You’ve become more aware of your actions on Sunday as status-minded Mercury whizzes into sensitive Pisces. Use this transit to reconfigure your attitude towards work, and how you view your purpose. You could be tempted to splurge a little on Monday when material Venus sextiles pleasure-seeking Saturn. Try investing your hard-earned cash into something that you need, but with a little flair for fun. Get ready to change up your day-to-day responsibilities on Wednesday when career-focused Mercury sextiles routine-ruling Uranus. This could mark a new beginning for you — move with intention. The sky’s the limit starting Friday when money-minded Venus sashays into excitable Aries.

September 23 to October 22

You’ve got a mind for finances, Libra. Make sure that you’re making your money work for you on Sunday when material Venus sextiles money-minded Pluto. Use this transit as a chance to make sure that everything’s in order so you can save some extra cash. Lucky Mercury moves into intuitive Pisces on Monday, helping you to fine-tune your instincts — learn to put your faith in the universe in moments of doubt. Family comes first on Monday when charming Venus sextiles domestic Saturn. Spend time with those you love and recenter yourself. You’re feeling inspired starting Friday when Venus enters ambitious Aries. Control this exciting energy by planning a course of action for your goals. 

October 23 to November 21

You’re not interested in superficial connections, Scorpio. If you’re single, this is an excellent opportunity to make room for people who you want to invest in on Sunday while romantic Venus sextiles powerful Pluto. If you’re in a relationship, this is a fabulous day to reconnect with your partner and create beautiful new memories. Check-in on your home base on Wednesday when messenger Mercury sextiles domestic Uranus. Use your intuition to decide what needs to change and get started before your ideas get swept under the rug. Affectionate Venus dances into confident Aries starting Friday, encouraging you to put yourself out there. Singles are ready to pursue their crushes, and attached Scorpios are ready to seduce their partners. Enjoy the chase.

November 22 to December 21

Enjoy being still, Sagittarius. Take some time on Sunday to quiet your inner self while wellness-minded Venus sextiles spiritual Pluto. Remember that not all transformations are loud and exciting — you’ll need to slow down and get comfortable with your thoughts during this favorable transit. Pay attention to the decisions that you make on Monday while career-conscious Mercury makes his way into intuitive Pisces. You’re in control of this ship, and you decide where it’ll take you — lean into your instincts. You’re fired up and ready to accomplish great things starting Friday as routine-ruling Venus passes into ambitious Aries. Concentrate on striking tasks off your to-do-list so that you can dream bigger.

December 22 to January 19

You’ve got an innate talent for prioritizing your responsibilities, Capricorn. This skill gets amped up starting Monday when health-conscious Mercury moves in psychic Pisces. Instead of being formulaic, try to listen to what your body needs most as you work through your task list. It’s time to kick some ass at work on Monday when status-minded Venus sextiles practical Saturn. This energy helps you to bring beauty to your organizational flow, so grab a new notebook and a fresh pack of pens to get started. Don’t underestimate the power of beautiful stationery. Career-conscious Venus
enters energetic Aries on Friday, helping you to pump up your ambitious spirit. 

January 20 to February 18

Have you got work on the brain, Aquarius? You could come up with some great solutions for your career at home on Sunday when domestic Venus sextiles status-ruling Pluto. Make sure that you don’t burn yourself out before the work-week begins. Start your day right on Monday with a little morning ritual while home-loving Venus sextiles Spiritual Saturn. Trade your snooze button for some much-needed personal time before you head out the door. Spend time investing energy into your space starting Friday, when domestic Venus enters enthusiastic Aries. If there’s been a home improvement project that you’ve been dying to finish, you’ll be able to get it going with gusto.

February 19 to March 20

Get comfortable in loving yourself, sweet Pisces. Learn to lean on your instincts starting Monday when romantic Mercury makes his way into Pisces. If you’re single, this energy will help to build your self-esteem and set better boundaries. In a relationship? Use this intuitive power to deepen your connection with your partner and listen to their needs. Affectionate Mercury sextiles unpredictable Uranus on Wednesday, injecting a bit of surprise into your relationships. Be open to meeting new people and getting out of your head while these planets complement each other. 

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